In Korean, MUT means land and courage. In German, it means vigor, will, and fighting spirit. Unlike the prevailing dance trends, which only stresses traditional concepts without any new ideas, or which seeks new ideas but embodies only superficial outward changes, "MUTDANCE", in adherence to its principles and origin, embraces both its long-standing traditional artistic composition as well as fresh new ideas of the modern world. In particular, by applying a unique breathing technique of Korean traditional dance, "MUTDANCE" strives to have the endurance strong enough to bear the weight of these traditional movements in its work. It also recognizes the importance of creating and showcasing a deep-rooted historical and cultural context within the performance pieces. 

Consisting of 60 female members, the Group aims to elicit the combination of traditional Korean dance variations while incorporating new ideas and genres embodying a thoughtfully staged concept that is specific and unique. The movements of MUT start from the ground, often slow and rhythmic but depicting balance, grace, and fluidity. With specific breathing methods depicted through various choreographies, the expression is purposeful and artistic in pursuit of finding ones identity through its movements while rendering a message of thematic content. 

Mutdance was founded in 1994 under the leadership of Director Young-hee Kim. Nearing its third decade, it is currently in its second generation of leadership guided by Director Jung-a Kim. The Group operates as a non-profit organization proudly represented by the dance graduates from the most prestigious women's university (ie. Ewha Womans University) in Korea. The Group continues to strive in introducing and redefining the concept of creative dance with its amalgamation of modernity, tradition, and culture while being at the forefront of Koreas educational, performing and creative arts. 

Collectively over the years, the Group has been recognized for its excellence in performance whilst enriching cultural ties across borders and conveying the cultural message of Korea. MUT have performed in many venues and have been recipients of government sponsorships from Korea's Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism. The Group has produced over 50 genres and has shared some of its best performances in overseas stages. 

Some of the noteworthy invites were from foreign governments as part of cultural exchanges within their respective fields. (Invitation performances include the 'Cervantino Festival' in Belgium / Invitation performances in Slovenia, Croatia, Thailand, Japan, Hong Kong, Mexico, Cuba and performance in Irans 'Fazar Festival')